Decision support application

Within DESSEV Erasmus+ project was developed the decision support system for maritime decision makers in order to give some indications in the case of epidemic outbreak.

If you wish to pass the information about the symptoms of the patient, predicted possible disease(s) with patient's additional relevant personal information by email (e.g. to a doctor, supervising officer or the captain), please proceed.

All personal information, symptoms and predicted possible disease(s) will only be sent to addressee by email on your behalf and won't be saved anywhere.

Contact Info



Patient's general info

Patient's detail info

Symptoms provided for prediction of possible disease(s):

Predicted possible disease(s):

Comments (optional):
ship's recognition (e.g. Vessel name, MMSI, IMO number, last POC, location), when the symptoms first appeared, already undertaken actions, medical history of the patient etc.

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