Very important

Estimating the Risk of Communicable Diseases aboard Cargo Ships. J Travel Med. 2009 Nov 1;16(6):402–6.

Author: Schlaich CC, Oldenburg M, Lamshöft MM. Summary: This study assesses baseline disease activity on cargo ships under the German flag. During the course of more than 1.5 million person-days of observation, 21% of visits to the ship’s infirmary were for potentially communicable disorders (45.8 consultations per 100 person-years). For acute respiratory symptoms, as many …

Estimating the Risk of Communicable Diseases aboard Cargo Ships. J Travel Med. 2009 Nov 1;16(6):402–6. Read More »

Surveillance and control of communicable diseases related to passenger ships in Europe. Int Marit Health.

Author: Hadjichristodoulou C, Mouchtouri VA, Martinez CV, Nichols G, Riemer T, Rabinina J, et al. Summary: This study explored the legislative framework and current practices related to surveillance of communicable diseases and response aboard passenger ships in Europe. A detailed questionnaire was disseminated and completed by 59 competent authorities in 27 European countries. The main …

Surveillance and control of communicable diseases related to passenger ships in Europe. Int Marit Health. Read More »

Guide to ship sanitation, 3rd edition

WHO Guide to Sanitation and Health Requirements for Shipbuilding and Operation. It concerns the harmonization of sanitary measures on ships, the protection of the health of travelers and employees, and the prevention of the spread of infection. It also describes the importance of maritime transport for public health in relation to the spread of disease and the importance of applying appropriate control measures.

Telemedical assistance at sea in the time of COVID-19 pandemic

An article on statistics and methods of providing remote assistance to seafarers by the Centro Internazionale Radio Medico (C.I.R.M.) in 2017-2020. Almost 16,000 cases have been published. The age, gender, degree and types of diseases of seafarers requiring assistance were taken into account. Typical symptoms of COVID-19 infection such as fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath and other respiratory symptoms were analyzed. It describes how the use of personal protective equipment, good environmental hygiene and other standard precautions can help minimize risk factors for the spread of infection.

IMO’s proposed solutions for seafarers in the event of a pandemic

The IMO Document outlines the issues relevant to crews sailing during pandemi coronavirus (COVID-19).Travel restrictions imposed by governments around the world and limited access to vaccines have created significant obstacles to crew changes and repatriation of seafarers . This has humanitarian and security implications. The IMO has called on its member states to designate seafarers as key personnel to be able to travel between their ships of employment and their countries of residence.

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